This message is given by Brother Royal Cronquist in Kailua, Hawaii, on the 14th of March 1984. It is entitled, “Spirit principles, and how to pray through whereby you are successful.” May God bless this word to you.
I believe that it's necessary for people to understand the limitations and the workings of their own minds. Let me explain that. When somebody is preaching the anointed word, and you're listening to it, you will actually find yourself concentrating upon a statement that he or she has made. But the speaker goes on speaking. And you're not hearing the rest of the information or the word that they're saying. Until you give up that concentration and go back to listening with concentration upon what the speaker is saying again. This is why it's necessary for you to rehearse that message many times.
Another valuable asset in Christian growth or advance is for you to take notes, of things that are especially quickened to you how it is being spoken. One of the main reasons why Christians do not grow, because once they hear the word preached to them, they never give it some quality time to concentrate, to meditate, to contemplate, to search out the scriptures, cross-reference it, and correlate it with other scriptures in the presence of God, where the Holy Spirit can actually renew their mind. Their mind is so incapable of retaining the word of the Lord. So, you need continuous preaching to you, repetitious preaching to you, and even then you will not validly grow.
People tell me many times they listen to some of my messages from 5 to 30 times and they say every time that they listen, they get something fresh out of it. Those people are growing because they're giving the word that is being spoken quality time and quality attention.
People also need to know how to listen to tapes, to listen to ministries speaking under the anointing. If you only listen to the word that is preached with your mind, it's an absolute assurance that you will never be quickened with faith that Jesus Christ wants to impart. You must learn how to listen to the word that is spoken with your heart and preeminence over your mind.
Multitudes of people telling me that they never get anything out of reading the Word and I can understand that. It's absolute evidence that their mind is in dominance. And it cannot relate except analytically to the words that are on the page that they're reading. Their spirit is imprisoned within their mind. So the word cannot be quickened to them. They haven't learned how to let the Spirit of God come up out of those words on the page, or speak through those words on the page to their heart.
I never really read the Bible. I spirit sense those words. I imagine with my heart, open and active toward God, that God is literally talking to my heart in preeminence rather than to my mind. People of God needs to train themselves how to listen to the word, how to read the word, how to literally hear the voice of God when the word is spoken because faith only comes by hearing the words.
The Scripture says, "Let him that has an ear hear what the Spirit is saying." Now you cannot hear what the Spirit is saying with mental capacities. You need to be able to hear with the hearing faculty of your spirit. You need to cultivate a consciously focused discipline upon the Lord Jesus so that when the word is read or heard, you can hear the voice of God. Then Jesus Christ quickens you with His faith.
Christians waste their entire life and never learn the techniques, the mechanics, the methods, that they must execute actively towards God so that their spirit rules and reigns over their mind. They have never been taught how to develop their spiritual senses and faculties so that they can walk in the Spirit.
The Spirit speaks and is at work in the spirit. When I listen to a taped message or a living word message, or I read the word itself, I literally pull God out of the book speaking the spoken word, or the tape word, or the written word. I demand my inner man that I hear God, that I'm motivated to respond to it for it is written in James 1:22, be doers of the word, not only hearers of the word, lest you be deceived. The deception is this: you are ever learning but you never come to the experience of divine knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:7)
I consciously think or softly whisper these words, "God, I want to hear Your word. I want to hear Your voice." I consciously deliberately imagine that I pull God out of those words, in whatever form they're presented. Then I let Him talk to my heart. I've learned to identify or divide my spirit from my mind. And I do everything at all times the action that I do with my spirit. You can't see what I'm doing because spirit is invisible. But I actively execute my spirit in union with God.
Over the years I've learned to subordinate or submit my mind to my spirit. And I've learned to demand that my spirit be in co-union with God's omnipresence of the Holy Spirit. This enables me to hear the voice, the Word of God with my spirit. And when I hear with my spirit, my mind is then quickened by the power of the Holy Spirit being alive and active within my human spirit.
Understand this, the Rhema word is the living, quickened Word of God that is made alive in your spirit. The Logos word is the utterance with your lips, that which you have heard in your spirit, and then quickened within your mind. The Logos word then becomes the creative, divine substance of the word that you speak. You can quote the word by repeating something that someone has said, or you can bring it out of your memory banks, but that does not make it the Logos words, for the Logos word cannot precede the Rhema word. A Logos word only becomes creative only after the Rhema, the living quickened word is made alive and real within your human spirit.
First, you must have the frame of the word. And you must be able to hear it in your spirit, your inner man. And allow it to quicken in your mind. Then you can speak it and you will speak it with the faith of Jesus Christ, and it will immediately happen. The living quickened Rhema words that have made alive within your spirit are formed on the thought faculties of your mind in the form of words that you understand. And if this process is valid, and operating within you, then you will speak with your mouth and you'll have the substance of faith from the Logos words.
And in the Gospel of John 1:1-4, it says, In the beginning, was the Logos, and the Logos was with God and the Logos was God. He, the Logos was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through the Logos, and apart from the Logos, nothing came into being that has come into being. In the Logos was life and that life was the light of men.
But you have to understand, there is no Logos that has not been preceded by a Rhema quickened within your human spirit. So it is not confessing the word to get faith. It is being quickened by the Rhema in your inner man which gives you a supernatural confession that gives you the divine substance in the right now present tense of the word that you've spoken. You don't confess your way to salvation, you confess your way from salvation and that salvation has its origins from Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit's power workings within your human spirit.
I've had people come to me wanting to be saved and then I would ask him, “Is the Holy Spirit dealing with you?” Well, they didn't know what that meant. I could lead them through a sinner's prayer and nothing happens. It becomes a stillbirth. Because the power of the Holy Spirit has not yet been quickened by the impartation of Christ Jesus, within their human spirit
There's an awful lot of stillbirth in Church with people coming forward to make decisions. The work of the Holy Spirit hasn't yet happened deep, deep, deep within their inner man. But they mouth a confession or a prayer. But I understand and I've heard that even in a Billy Graham crusade, they estimate that only 5% of all the decisions really go on and live for God.
When you're really born of God, you will go on and you will succeed. Healing ministries have determined that between three and 7% of all the people that they pray for are healed. If the ministries would teach the people of God and themselves, the mechanics, the techniques and methods by which they can divide their spirit from their soul, so that their spirit can abide or be in union with Jesus Christ, and they speak the words as they will, it'll happen to them.
People who knows what to do and how to do the work of training their spiritual senses in faculties in union with the Holy Spirit, they will always have a quickened word for all needs at any time. When you walk in the Spirit, you'll walk in union with the Rhema word. It is simply then a matter of speaking what you're hearing as Rhema. And the Logos creates that word in the substance of your life or the divine substance within the person that you're praying for.
You can be hearing me speaking to you. But if your mind is predominantly strong, imprisoning your spirit, not letting the anointed word that I'm uttering go past the dominance of your mind and deeper into your spirit, where it can be quickened, where it could be made Rhema, you will never have living faith. You'll have a faith that is just a confession without divine results or divine deposit.
People need to be taught how to open their spirit, how to open their mind, and how to subordinate their mind to their spirit, so that their spirit can be in co-union, commingled and diffused with God's Holy Spirit, and His omnipresence. We have majored in understanding God with our minds. And that's why we have not grown or why we have not literally become complete in Christ Jesus. We haven't learned how to divide our spirits from our minds.
If you never learned to hear the Word of God from the inside, you will have very little reality of God within your experience in your life. If you never learn to hear the word from the inside, you'll never have faith because faith only comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God, but God is Spirit, and He only speaks and quickens Himself in spirit, not in mind.
Understand this, the basic tenets and doctrines that you believe is not the equivalent of faith. You cannot store up faith, like a battery, so that when you do have a need, all you do is draw upon that battery. You have to learn how to establish a living, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ in the spirit. So that any given moment, He can quicken Himself, His Rhema word within your spirit, so that you can speak it and instantly have the thing or the provision to your need that you have spoken.
The frame of the word is only heard within the hearing abilities of the intuitive faculty of your human spirit. It's written in the Scriptures in John 15:7, if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done to you.
That word “ask” is not so much a petition but a decree - decree what you hear in your spirit and it leaps into existence. But if you've only heard it in your mind, it will not leap into existence. In fact, nothing will happen at all.
If you know how to be in union with Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and you know how to let the word speak within your spirit, then you will speak it as you will, and it will happen to you immediately.
I've belabored these points from many different angles in many ways here in the last few minutes. And it's important that you rehearse the Word and rehearse the Word until you are quickened by the Holy Spirit. And you understand that by revelation and not education.
Many times we saw the example and pattern of Jesus where it's written, “Immediately, she was made whole,” “Immediately he was healed,” “Immediately something happened.” The Living Word that is heard, always immediately happened, especially when it is properly heard and fully heard within the spirit. Faith works that fast, especially the faith that Jesus Christ wants to impart. Faith is that quick and effectual when it comes directly from Jesus Christ in your spirits. When you believe something, that's not equal to faith.
Isn't it amazing how much we're able to believe and yet how little we're able to mix creative faith with what we believe so that we have the divine substance of the things that we've been believing. The power and ability to believe the word can be a psychic or a psuche or a soul or mental ability. But that doesn't mean that it has been quickened by the Holy Spirit. The power to have faith that creates a spiritual event that is quickened by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit Himself within your inner man, your spirit. All creative faith has its beginnings within Jesus and proceeds from Jesus and ends in His spiritual power.
Even when you got saved, you never really had faith to get saved until Jesus Christ had imparted His faith in your heart, your inner man. And then you made a decision to accept Him and it happened, a miracle took place, then man or you confessed your way unto salvation.
John 1:12 says, But as many as received Him (the Logos), to them He (the Logos) gave the right to become the children of God, who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor the will of man.
There's no way that you can will to be saved until the Holy Spirit quickens Jesus Christ, the word within your human spirit. If the Holy Spirit isn't dealing with you, isn't quickening the word within your inner man, I don't care how many confessions you've made, nothing will happen.
In the beginning before you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, that total responsibility to draw you to deal with you, to quicken you, to quicken Himself within your inner man was His total responsibility. You had nothing to do with that at all. That was sovereign within His own will and His own control.
John 6:44 No one is able to come to Me unless the Father, the one having sent Me, draws him, and I will raise him up in the last day.
The conception of the word in your spirit is revealed in the analogy of the egg coming down from the ovaries deposited into the uterus, and then spermatogonia deposited in the uterus area and 1000s of spermatogonia bombard that egg until one penetrates inside and a conception is created.
In the same way, you are sitting underneath the word of the Lord. It bombards your human spirit, your heart, until something happens. You will to let the word become alive in your spirit. And you accept it and a conception is taking place, and you are born again. All the faith origins, or beginnings, has their origins in and proceeds from Jesus Christ within you by His will.
But from that moment on, once that you're born again, the total responsibility and validity of your growth is 100% your initiative. God Himself lives in you and has made Himself available in you. But if you're not going to learn spiritual laws, spiritual techniques, spiritual methods, spiritual ways, and spiritual habits, and discipline your life to walk in them, disciplining your life, to subordinate your mind and its faculties, you'll never really grow. You'll only ever learn but never come to the knowledge or to the valid experience of truth. You alone will determine the validity of your growth or whether you will really come to maturity.
From that moment on God's will is subject to your will. He will never cross yours, He will will HIS WILL when you yield your will to Him.
From that moment of being born again, Jesus Christ takes a secondary place to your will. He will not and cannot help you until you daily take the initiative within spiritual laws and precepts and principles by which you have an intimate relationship. So that He then can impart and form the substance of Himself, the renewing of your mind, with His own mind and His own life.
This cannot be done by giving mental assent or mental agreement or mental belief to the words. You then have the responsibility to learn how to feed on the word and to pray in the realm of spirit in dominance over your mind. And if your mind is ruling, and if your mind is trying to play God, Jesus Christ will stay the prisoner within your human spirit and you will never really ever grow up.
God does nothing outside of an intimate relationship of the believer’s praying life. The believer must learn to develop that relationship by which he or she prays through. I mean, by praying through that you've got to learn how to subordinate your self-life and its strengths. And work at it until you are free in the spirit and the anointing of the Lord of the Holy Spirit is in union with you quickening you with the living creative substance of faith. You need to really ascertain your commitment and that you give God quality time daily, habitually, to a commitment so that He can form Himself in reality in you, in your experience.
This is an opinion, but I think it's valid. In my experience and as I question people closely, I don't believe that most people even begin to get out of their self-life, their self strength or mental strength and dominance until they have worked at a relationship with God through all kinds of praying so that they get totally in the spirit so that their mind becomes its slave. Following that, the spirit is locked with God.
If you can't give a quality time of two hours a day, start somewhere. Start with 15 minutes a day undistracted, undemanding time, by which you will give it to God through prayer. Now, I'm not talking about reading now. I'm talking about prayer, actual, audible prayer. Most people do not have a consistent, habitual daily praying life because they're more used to being unrewarded through their prayers than rewarded. And the scripture gives very much evidence. Why? Because they're praying out of their self-life instead of their spirit-life.
Scripture says in James 4:2-3, You have not because you ask not. But when you do ask, you ask that you may consume the answer upon the lusts and the gratifications of your self-life, your soul-life.
God is not interested in extending the strength and the life dominance of your soul life. Jesus said, except a man loses his life, his soul-life, he cannot find life. Jesus Himself had to learn this. He says, My meat is to do the will of the Father that has sent Me. He had to deny Himself and learn how to do the things that I'm teaching you. He had no advantage over you and me and most people don't understand that Luke 2:40 says, and the child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom. Luke 2:52, and Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and favor with God and men. And Hebrews 2:17 says, Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things.
He had to grow up in the spirit, exactly like you and I. He had to apply Himself, He had to make choices, He had to give God the Father and the Holy Spirit, quality time of attention, and He had to do it daily and Luke 4:42 says, and when the day came, He departed and went to a lonely place. Luke 5:16, And He withdrew Himself into the wilderness and prayed. Luke 6:12 And it came to pass in those days, that He went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.
This was His habit, His daily habit. He gave God, undivided attention in quality time. I think it's important that if you and I really expect to be conformed to the image of the Son, to follow the Lord, we need to follow His patterns and His habits and His ways for that to really be accomplished fruitfully within our life.
To those who do pray, I think they will agree that the prince of the powers of the air is always resisting you. But I'm convinced that your biggest enemy is your self, your soul-life, your own mind, and your emotions. All satanic resistance works in that area. And if you won't take your place in Christ at the right hand of the Father, where you're seated with Him, or you made alive with Him, then Satan will constantly distract you, and get you to settle for some other gratification for your mind and your emotion, rather than the denial of that gratifying self-gratification so that you can live in the spirit.
Even in my own experience, I never really began to get free from the drag of myself until I have most times worked at it for a minimum of two hours. Some days, I get free in five minutes. But on most days, that is not the general tendency. And I can be praying everything that is scripturally correct. But when I get into the spirit, I can go back and pray the same thing and say it once and never have to say it again. Because I have the answer.
All the time that I've been praying out of the origins of myself, very rarely do I have any results. And when I began to break out of my self-strength and deceit and begin to get free from my self, then the Rhema and my spirit become one. Then I speak as I will because I will speak what I've heard and I have what I say. I've never known a failure to a request or to a decree, when I have heard the Rhema, in my spirit in my inner man.
The term that I use “praying through” is an old Pentecostal term that has seemed to be neglected or been lost in spirit-filled work, or activity and praying in these days, but praying through is sticking at it or persistently continuously working at it until you have absolute assurance of the answer, or the literal appearance of the answer within your life.
In the beginning of this century, before the Holy Spirit was poured out, there was a handful of believers that began to acknowledge or realize that there wasn't much power workings or abilities of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ at all. So they made a commitment to seek God or to wait unto God together. They denied themselves and their self gratifications to a ridiculous restriction that continued to stay together on their faces before God night and day, seeking, praying, sometimes with a prayer that had no utterance, but they had a heart-yearning, to have God do something.
When God finally poured out His Spirit upon them, upon the church, upon the body of Christ, and I think it was 1906, out of that became the Pentecostal movements. And that grew and grew, and then it began to wane until 1948.
In Azusa Street, God poured out the Spirit again from the same handful of believers, or not the same people, but just a handful of believers. They became desperate; they became absolutely unrelenting. Seeking and praying to the Lord until He really happened. Now that became the ministry of William Branham and various major prophets, the restoration of prophets to the church, the beginnings of apostles again, and the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit again.
The Church today is too comfortable. It's too prosperous, it doesn't really need. It doesn't have to fight to have God in their midst. They like what they got. It's the Laodicean age or Laodicean Church. No real happenings there. Although there are power manifestations, it's not like it was the beginning of this century. Alexander Dowie, John G. Lake, Charles S. Price, were all men of God that came out of the early part of this century; tremendous miracles and healings of God at that time.
Now the Church is just floundering aground again in His blessings in His prosperity. But when it began to become a handful of people that will realize that there's not enough of God in the Church really, to match what the Scriptures say they were, they'll get down to business and then they'll start praying and they'll pray it through. They'll stick at it, stick to it, and work at it. They'll not be denied. They'll make every sacrifice mentally, emotionally, physically, environmentally until they feel God pours out His Spirit.
I think it would be wrong for you to look for the return of the Lord because there have to be a lot of things that happen before that. The Manchild has to be born. The scriptures have to be fulfilled that all creation is waiting in travail until now for the revealing of a people called the Sons of God. This has to happen three and a half years before Jesus can physically return.
Of course we pray but we don't know what it is to pray through. We got too many demands upon us in society. Society demands that we respond to it in order to survive to stay alive. But somebody will begin to shut aside the demands - of demands that won't be important. They set themselves aside to seek God and they'll pray and they'll pray and they'll pray and they'll work at it until God happens to them.
When I was a sinner 25 years ago, I sought God night and day for 93 days, every moment of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month for 3 months and 3 days did I seek God until He happened to me.
Oh, I tell you, beloved, we need to get desperate within to realize that we haven't got enough of God in our midst to turn this world over to God. We settle for blessings, we settle for prosperity, we settle for the good life, we settle for being comfortable. And as long as we settle for that, we'll never have much of God.
God makes Himself known to the desperate, to the demanding, to those who know how to seek God with all their heart, with all their mind, soul, body and strength.
Let me ask you a question. Is God personally real to you? Do you have a daily intimacy and awareness that God really reigned supreme? Do you have a relationship that when you pray, you're satisfied with the results of the answers that you're getting? Or have you been praying about some things, the same things for years, never getting the answer? If that's the way it is, you need to get desperate. God is interested in immediately answering and immediately supplying the provision to your need. He's not interested in supplying the need, where you can consume it upon the lusts of the gratifications of yourself. He's interested in supplying your needs so that you could be a living witness of a living Christ of a living God, who wants to be the same today as He was yesterday.
In a Pentecostal outpouring of God, the saints would get a sinner down at the altar, and they'd pray all night to pray him through. Now they say a little confession, and they go their way. But their life is so shallow. There isn't any desperate hunger to go along with God. The ones who prayed through until there was a living touch from God, a living happening from the omnipresence of God, those people never backslide and they didn't have any trouble going on with God. They became living witnesses and continued on in the Lord. The ones who come forward in these crusades, these meetings, and there are premature births. Most of them backslide for some excuse or reason or the other.
But when you have a real living new birth, you'll never find yourself backsliding. You'll go from glory to glory, from strength to strength, from one experience to another, as Jesus Christ forms more of Himself within you. I'm convinced that the way that the Father brought me to Jesus Christ was worth it all. Never been a day of question. Never been a day of looking back, never been a day of compromising, to go back to the sinful life, the ways of that life, the disappointments of that life. God had to deal with me very, very, very severely. Because I was so filled full of rebellion.
Early when I was a five-year-old boy, still not knowing the Lord, the Lord appeared to me and spoke to me out of the wind. Three times it sounded like thunder back on a farm in Colorado, saying, “One day My son will preach the gospel in foreign lands.”
Those were those days. I don't know how long was maybe a year or two was days of tremendous intimacy with God that I don't know if I've ever understood ever had sense. But as my life began to grow, adolescence, teenage rebellion, pride, arrogance, conceit, hostility, independence, lawlessness, defiance to any authority and all authority, God just let me live my life until when I was about 28-29 years about 30 years old. I was a dying man. I had to make a decision. Either find Christ Jesus as my Savior and die and go to hell. I've been taught too much. Having to go to Sunday school, having a mother who loved me who prayed constantly for me. He got me a place where it was either death or it was life. I made a decision. I got on my knees one day and I prayed.
I said, “Father, I don't know if a man can really know Jesus Christ in reality before he dies. But if a man can, I'd like to be a man who can. But if You can come to me and reveal Yourself to me in a way where I'll never be ashamed in the Church, or out of it, on the job or off it, or in a school or players that stay away from me, don't deal with me. Don't bring the Holy Spirit's conviction. Don't give me a godly sorrow that will bring repentance. I'd rather die as I am than be a hypocritical confession that has no reality in my life, where people live a religious life on Sunday and live like the devil on Monday and the rest of the week. If You can come and reveal Yourself to me where I'll never be ashamed, or people will know that I'm different. I'd rather die as I am than to have that profession that is so empty, so void of real experience.”
Because I was so sick and so weakened, so much pain in my body, I couldn't pray out loud very much. So my prayer was very simple. I remembered a scripture that I had learned when I was a boy on my mother's lap. Two scriptures. One is in John, the book of John where He said, I will come to you. I will not leave you comfortless. Jeremiah said, You shall seek Me. In the day that you seek Me with all your heart, I will be found.
On the basis of these two scriptures, I began to pray, “Jesus, will You come to me? Jesus, will You come to me?”
This would go on for every moment of every minute of every hour, all day long, for 18-20 hours a day. I don't know how many days or weeks it was. And I got so weak that I couldn't say that much of a prayer. I finally just began to say the name Jesus, Jesus, with my focus on my heart's cry for Him, Jesus, Jesus. This went on for another few weeks. And I don't remember exactly what made me so weak in my body, that I couldn't even utter that word. It was just almost a locked, fixed, concentrated focus of desire and yearning for reality. To know Jesus Christ as my Savior. I was so weak, I could not utter any more words. This went on for days and weeks, until three months, and three days, 93 days.
Jesus Christ appeared to me. I saw Him, I received Him I experienced Him and I became born again. Since that time, my life has been filled with one experiencing God manifesting and ministering to me again and again. Traumatic experiences, experiences that have continuously ever-increasingly changed my life.
When I got saved, there was such a supernatural change in my life. Even Christians who were believers could not understand the extremities, the deep, deep things that had happened in a moment of time in my life, where previously before that experience, before seeking God, how I was one tyrannical, hateful, hostile, rebellious, defiant, conceited man. In a moment of time, all that power was broken. I became a man of gentleness, of love, of grace, and forgiveness. I had to grow an understanding as I began to read the word, but my life has changed. And it's ever been changing now for 25 years.
My experience was so so validly real comparable to Paul on the road to Damascus. And I didn't have to go through an experience of what the Holiness or Nazarene people called the second work of grace. The happening of God by His Holy Spirit to me was so real that I bypassed that and several other works of grace in a moment of time.
I talked with an apostle, a black man from Nigeria, Africa, just recently, and I asked him what he thought about the Church in America. And I really was surprised at the answer because he says, "They don't know how to pray. They don't know how to stick with it. They don't know how to pray until they pray through until they actually have the answer." He was right.
There's a deceitful thing happening in the body of Christ. They will pray for the same thing for years, and they'll justify themselves for never getting an answer. God has never designed that your prayer life be without answers. Something’s wrong in our praying habits in our praying ways and a praying life. When you pray with faith, you've prayed the last time for the thing that you've asked. Because faith gives the substance of things that you believe for and that you've asked for.
I think praying through working at it, audibly working at it, is where you stick to it until you pray your way out of your own self-life and its demand and selfishness. Pray through the prince of the powers of the air, until you enter into the very throne of God until the omnipresent Holy Spirit so consumed you, that you become one with God and God’s one with you. And you hear His word you speak what you've heard, and you have what you have spoken.
If you're going to pray for anything, you need to make a predetermined decision that once you start, you're not going to cease to pray about it. Until you have prayed it through till you have absolute assurance of the answer from the Spirit of God by revelation, or you have literally the experience or the substance of the thing that you've asked for in your life, or within the lives of someone that you're praying for. You need to be unrelenting, unremitting and indefatigable. Knowing no reset, no, no, no, no, no intermission with God, until you have prayed the thing through.
You need to make a heart decision with yourself that you're not going to be denied that you're not going to settle for no answer or a different answer or a partial answer. You're going to have to make a decision in your heart that what you ask, you're going to have, but you're not going to have it to consume it upon self-gratification. You're going to have it by which Jesus Christ is glorified, and you rejoice in His glory.
1Thessalonians 5:17 says, Pray without ceasing. The Greek word is adialeiptos, means to pray incessantly, to pray without interruption. And to be perpetually unbroken once you've started permitting no pauses, permitting no admission or recess, by any distraction is laying siege upon the thing that you're asking before God, permitting no interception, no counteraction, or the possibility of failure.
Do you know how to pray like that? Are you willing and committed and dedicated to order your life that kind of praying? Are you going to settle for failures and non-answers? Are you going to settle for gratifications of yourself like the blessings? Rather than the pain of discipline that you need, a denying yourself and learn how to stay with it and stick to it? until God manifests Himself? And you have the answer? And then you go on praying about new things.
Don't give me that excuse, it must not be in God's will. He said, “You ask anything, anything.” He didn't put any qualifications, you ask anything in My name, and I will do it. But you've got to ask it while in union with Him while being quickened by the Holy Spirit. Then you have the thing that you're asking.
You need to get angry at the fallacy. The magnitude of the failure of praying for something for years and never coming to the answer. You need to get angry to have to pray for something and getting something a lot less than the thing that you asked for.
Please turn this tape over to the other side for the finish of the message.
NEXT : How To Pray Through Part 2
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